Category: News
Growing Together Community Garden Grants Press Release 2025
Click here to download press release
February 13, 2025
For Immediate Release
RE: Growing Together Community Garden Grants
Growing Together Rutherford
The Community Health Council of Rutherford County is offering grants to non-profit organizations who plan to start a community garden during 2025. The Council’s hope is to help organizations throughout the county begin a garden where neighbors will work together to construct the garden and grow and harvest food for their own consumption and share extra produce with those in need. Applications are welcomed for non-profit or municipal organizations, clubs, or churches. Each group will be expected to commit at least three years to the project.
The Rutherford County Food Council will review applications and choose up to three Growing Together Awards representing different areas in the county. Each winner will receive $1,500 for items such as supplies, plants, seeds, water sources, fencing, or tools needed to start the garden.
Education about all aspects of gardening is available through the local extension office. The Community Health Council will communicate opportunities for Growing Together garden leaders and volunteers to learn more about gardening throughout the season. Normal progress reports will be required by the grantees. As desired, the Health Council will connect gardeners to local food pantries who will welcome fresh produce.
In a recent community health assessment, less than 7% of Rutherford County respondents reported that they consume the recommended daily servings of fresh foods. Unhealthy eating leads to poor health, including obesity, cancer, and chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
Many of the county’s rural communities are cited as food deserts, meaning that affordable, healthy food is limited or non-existent because grocery stores are too far away. Over 29% of residents in Rutherford County live more than 10 miles away from a full-service grocery store. Growing food close to home is a healthy, economical way to help local families improve their nutritional intake and to save money during times of high food prices.
Jill Miracle, Executive Director of the Community Health Council, explains the Growing Together project. “We want to support a new network of community gardeners because the consumption of fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables leads to improved health in people of all ages. The Community Health Council first developed the grant opportunity in 2018 to assist residents of the county to become intentional about increasing the number of servings of locally grown food in their diets. Providing grant funding for communities to experiment with growing and preparing different kinds of fresh foods is one strategy toward healthier eating.”
The grant application can be found in the NEWS section on the Community Health Council of Rutherford County website, and from posts on their Facebook page. The deadline for grant applications is 5:00 on March 15, 2025. Contestants will be notified about awards by April 1. For more information about the opportunity or to request a printed copy of the grant application, please call 828-202-4630 or email
The Community Health Council of Rutherford County is grateful to RHI Legacy Foundation for providing funding for the Growing Together project and to Rutherford County Food Council for their support in the grants process. All organizations have Facebook pages if you would like to learn more about their work.

2025 “Growing Together” Grant Application
Free Skin Cancer Screenings
Health Matters Column
Contact: Jill Miracle, Community Health Council of Rutherford County
Release after February 2, 2023
The Community Health Council will offer free skin screening appointments on Saturday, March 11, 2023 from 9:00 to noon at the Cancer Resource Center in Forest City. Please call 828-245-4596 to schedule a screening time. Insured and uninsured persons are welcomed at the event. Providers from several healthcare offices will provide the screenings.
Skin cancer is the fastest growing cancer in the United States. While some occupations and skin types may increase the risk, nobody is excluded.
The four types of skin cancer are squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, Merkel cell carcinoma and melanoma. Squamous cell carcinoma is typically seen on your face, neck, arms, scalp and the back of hands and ears because these areas are the most exposed to sun. A spot anywhere on the body that looks crusted or has scaly patches with a red bump, a tumor that has changed in size, or a sore that won’t seem to heal, may all be signs of squamous cell cancer. It is important to keep an eye on concerning spots that look like this description, because if not caught early, squamous cell cancer can often grow into deeper layers of skin, or rarely, into the lymph nodes.
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer, and is also usually seen on your face, scalp, and ears. The best way to look for basal cell is by looking for small, dome-shaped bumps that are pearly white or pink. If you have a sore on the surface of your skin that repeatedly heals and then returns, this may also be a sign of basal cell carcinoma.
Merkel cell carcinoma is the most-rare skin cancer that happens on the top layer of your skin near your nerve endings. It is also usually found in high sun exposed areas like your head and neck, but can also be found on your arms, legs, and torso. When looking for this type of cancer, you should look for a red or purple bump on the skin that is painless but may turn into an ulcer or a sore.
Melanoma is rarer than the other skin cancers but is more dangerous because of how fast it can spread to other parts of your body. For men, it is usually found on your chest and back, but usually on the legs for women. The neck and face are also common places to find it for both men and women. Melanoma appears brown or black, but sometimes can be pink, tan, or white. It can be found in many other parts of your body, which is why it is important to look everywhere for it. A spot that is not symmetrical (half is different than its other half), has jagged edges, has an abnormal colors, is larger than the size of a pencil eraser, or changes in size, shape, or color should be looked at by a professional.
Early detection saves lives. Call today to leave your information regarding an appointment. Someone will call you back after March 1 to provide more information and to confirm your appointment time.
The Community Health Council of Rutherford County provides the structure for the leaders
of major organizations to work effectively together to address Rutherford County’s key health
concerns. Services like skin screenings are offered at no charge to Rutherford County residents through collaborative efforts of Council members.
Growing Together Community Garden Grants
January 24, 2023
For Immediate Release
RE: Growing Together Community Garden Grants
Growing Together Rutherford
The Community Health Council of Rutherford County is offering grants to non-profit organizations who plan to start a community garden. The Council’s hope is that groups throughout the county will begin a garden where neighbors work together to construct the garden and grow food for their own consumption and share any extra produce with those in need. Awards will be considered from non-profit entities, clubs, or churches. Each group will be expected to commit at least three years to the project.
The Healthy Eating Committee from the Community Health Council will review applications and select up to five Growing Together Awards representing different areas in the county. Each winner will receive up to $1,500 for items such as supplies, plants, seeds, water sources, fencing, or tools needed to start the garden. Existing community gardens may apply for up to $500 to expand their project.
Training for all aspects of gardening is available through the local extension office. The Health Council will communicate opportunities for garden leaders and volunteers to learn more about gardening throughout the season. Awardees will gather to talk about best practices and discuss the progress of their projects. Normal progress reports will be required by the grantees. As desired, the Health Council will connect growers to local food pantries to receive donations through established partnerships.
A food study conducted in 2019 established that access to healthy, local produce is restricted in Rutherford County. Many of the county’s rural communities are cited as food deserts, meaning that affordable, healthy food is limited or non-existent because grocery stores are too far away. Over 29% of residents in Rutherford County live more than 10 miles away from a full-service grocery story. Growing food close to home is a healthy, economical way to help local families.
Jill Miracle, Executive Director of the Community Health Council, explains the Growing Together Rutherford project. “We want to support a new network of community gardeners because the consumption of fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables leads to improved health in people of all ages. The Community Health Council first developed the grant opportunity in 2018 to assist residents of the county to become intentional about increasing the number of servings of locally grown food in their diets. Providing grant funding for groups to experiment with growing and preparing different kinds of fresh foods is one strategy toward healthier eating.”
The grant application can be found in the NEWS section on the Community Health Council of Rutherford County website, and from posts on their Facebook page. The deadline for grant applications is 5:00 on March 15. Contestants will be notified about awards by March 31. For more information about the opportunity or to request a printed copy of the grant application, please call 828-202-4630 or email The Community Health Council of Rutherford County is grateful to RHI Legacy Foundation for providing funding for the Growing Together project.
Free Drive-Through Vaccine Event
Press Release
September 23, 2021
Contact: Jill W. Miracle
Rutherford County vaccination rates are extremely low in comparison the rest of the state. Our death rate by population is currently the highest in the state. Our area health care facilities and EMS are working at near-capacity levels and local families are suffering devasting losses. Those are alarming facts.
In response, the Community Health Council of Rutherford County has joined forces with the Town of Rutherfordton to present a free, county-wide drive-through vaccine event on October 8 from 2:00 – 6:00 PM and again on October 9 from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM. The FEMA vaccination team will be administering the vaccines at the Rutherfordton Public Works Facility at 230 N. Cleghorn Street.
Participants will be able to stay in their vehicles and choose the vaccine brand that they prefer. The FEMA team offers Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson vaccines to all approved age groups. Booster shots will be available if they are approved for distribution by these dates. Please bring your shot record with you if you are requesting a booster.
The return visit for follow-up shots and boosters will be on October 29 and 30 at the same times and location. First-time vaccinations will be given at that time as well, with a plan for the second shots. But don’t wait. Those few days might save a life. If you need a free ride either Friday, please call Rutherford County Transit at 828-287-6339 at least one day in advance.
Funding was provided in part by a grant from The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina.
Vaccines are a proven way to reduce the spread of the virus and to reduce the immediate and long-term effects of those who do get the virus.
For information about this Rutherford County drive-through event, please call Jill Miracle, the executive director of the Health Council, at 828-202-4630. Also, follow the Community Health Council of Rutherford County on FaceBook for follow-up announcements.
Health Matters – Growing Together Rutherford
Contact Jill W. Miracle 828-202-4630 or
March 8, 2021
The Community Health Council of Rutherford County is promoting healthy eating across Rutherford County through a competition for grant funding to start community gardens. The Council’s hope is to help organizations throughout the county to begin a garden where neighbors will work together to construct the garden, and then grow and share the local produce. Awards will be made to non-profit organizations, clubs, or churches. Each group will be expected to commit at least three years to the project.
The steering committee from the Rutherford County Food Council will review applications and choose up to 5 winners representing different areas in the county. Each winner will be awarded up to $1,500 for items such as supplies, plants, seeds, water sources, fencing, or tools needed to start the garden. Existing Growing Together gardens may apply for us to $500 to replenish or expand their current gardens.
Training will be provided to the leaders and participants in the gardening project, including instructions about starting a summer and fall garden, preventing pests, using the produce once it is grown, and preparing the garden for winter. When it becomes safe, the awardees will gather to talk about best practices and discuss the progress of their projects. Normal progress reports will be required by the grantees.
In a recent community health assessment, less than 7% of Rutherford County respondents reported that they eat the recommended daily servings of fresh foods. Unhealthy eating leads to poor health, including obesity, cancer, and chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
A food study conducted in 2019 established that access to healthy, local produce is restricted in Rutherford County. Many of the county’s rural communities are cited as food deserts, meaning that affordable, healthy food is limited or non-existent because grocery stores are too far away. Over 29% of residents in Rutherford County live more than 10 miles away from a full-service grocery store.
Jill Miracle, Executive Director of the Community Health Council, explains the Growing Together Rutherford project. “We want to support a new network of community gardeners because the consumption of fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables leads to improved health in people of all ages. The Community Health Council developed the grant opportunity to assist residents of the county to become intentional about increasing the number of servings of locally grown food in their diets. Providing grant funding for communities to experiment with growing and preparing different kinds of fresh foods is one strategy toward improving healthy eating.”
The grant application can be found in the NEWS section on the Community Health Council of Rutherford County website, and from posts on their Facebook page. The deadline for grant applications is 5:00 on April 9. Contestants will be notified about awards by April 15. For more information about the opportunity or to request a printed copy of the grant application, please call Jill Miracle at 828-202-4630 or email
The Community Health Council of Rutherford County is grateful to RHI Legacy Foundation for providing funding for the Growing Together project.
We Are Number 1!
You have probably read the new NC data showing that Rutherford County has the highest rate of COVID-19 deaths of any county based on our population through January 17. Number 1 of 100 counties in the state. Number 1. Those are our friends. Our co-workers. Our family members. Lost to COVID-19.
We are also 14th highest in the state for numbers of cases per population since the virus began. Based on our population, we should be around 40th. But we sit dangerously in 14th place.
There was more data released as well. None of it is good for our county. You can read the data for yourself at Do read it. It is not pretty but it should be eye-opening.
We know intuitively that our rates of recorded deaths coincide with so many other rankings that cite Rutherford County residents’ poor health factors, such as the incidence of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and cancer. We also can connect our high death rates to unhealthy behaviors like tobacco use and a lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating. It has been noted over and over that underlying conditions are the largest factor in the severity of the disease and other outcomes. Lack of routine clinical care and poor socio-economic forces play a big part as well. There is a tremendous amount of work to be done, even in the good times. In the good times, our overall health ranking is between 68 and 74 out of 100 counties, based on several published reports. These are not good times.
But back to COVID-19.
I have never experienced anything as disruptive to daily life as COVID-19. For most of us living today, it is a deadly serious subject.
COVID-19 has affected all aspects of my life and the lives of those around me. I have friends who have lost their jobs. I have friends who have lost their parents and other family members to complications from the coronavirus. We all have heartbreaking stories of loss and it has hit very close to home here in Rutherford County. Families and health care workers are overwhelmed and our economy is suffering.
I have not been able to visit with my oldest daughter since December of 2019. She works in healthcare and it requires airline travel for us to visit. My youngest has been in isolation since March of 2020. She had one chance encounter in early January with the virus and became ill. Luckily, she is recovering well after days of wicked headaches and fatigue. Incidentally, her roommate didn’t get the virus. As a nurse, she had one of the first vaccines. But more on that later.
COVID-19 is unpredictable and highly contagious. We have seen evidence in our county of perfectly healthy, middle-aged residents falling ill and losing their lives to the disease.
At this time, prevention methods are limited to the 3 W’s. We’re having trouble in our county adhering to those recommendations. That is glaringly obvious and it is playing out horribly right in front of our eyes. Our county officials and health workers are running out of ideas to highlight prevention efforts.
The 3-W’s are not new. One of my first memories is a tonsillectomy when I was five. I remember three things from that surgery. I recall the smell of ether. I could identify it immediately decades later. And I remember that everyone in the room was wearing a mask.
I know now that they wore masks to protect me from any illnesses. I imagine they washed their hands before they entered the room, too. And no visitors were allowed. My PaPaw couldn’t bring me the popcicle that he promised. That was to protect me from others who might be ill. The 3 W’s are not new. Washing our hands, wearing a mask, and practicing social distancing are proven, science-based methods to reduce the spread of illnesses.
Fast forward to 2021 and COVID-19. If, even after adopting the 3 W’s, a person contracts coronavirus, there are limited treatment options. Pharmaceutical companies are working fast and furiously to develop therapies and treatments, but we are not there yet. So, if we become ill, the consequences can be deadly and many who survive may experience a lifetime of impacts to their health.
So that is where the vaccine comes in.
I understand that some people are hesitant to take a COVID-19 vaccine. As US citizens, we are accustomed to exercising our freedoms of choice. We are independent, skeptical, and stubborn. I am, too.
But agreeing to take an approved vaccine is the most effective way to avoid experiencing the worst of the consequences of COVID-19. If we want to return to life without the worry of becoming infected, we need to move beyond our hesitation. And if we want the vaccine to be effective for the population, the vast majority of us need to get the vaccine.
The vaccines are safe and effective. Clinical trials were sped up because of the seriousness of the disease. Scientists from around the world came together and worked around the clock. They used scientific research that was already developed for similar viruses for over a decade. There were no steps skipped in the process. The vaccines were tested on as many people as in longer clinical trials to prove the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. People of every age, ethnicity, and geographic area served as volunteers in the trials. We owe the scientists and the volunteers a debt of gratitude.
Science has proven that the available vaccines are 95% effective in preventing the disease. I can’t think of many other things in my life that are 95% effective.
I avoided the flu vaccine for years out of stubborness and independence. I figured I am healthy and could easily combat the flu if I became exposed. (I was, I did, and now I take my flu shot.) But the minute I am approved for a COVID-19 vaccine, I will be in line. Why? I trust the science and research that has been used to develop the vaccines. I don’t trust COVID-19 at all. It is unpredictable and dreadfully contagious. I don’t want to become a statistic in that long set of state data or another Rutherford County resident lost to COVID-19. And I don’t want you to be, either.
The vaccine is free to all, even if you don’t have health insurance. It is available at our area health department. You can sign up online on the Foothills Health District at As the supply increases, more and more residents will be added to the eligible list.
The Community Health Council of Rutherford County is also sharing the information and updates on our FaceBook page. We invite you to Like our page for updates on COVID-19 and other health issues in our county.
The Community Health Council of Rutherford County provides the structure for the leadership of major organizations to work effectively together to address Rutherford County’s key health concerns.
The Community Health Council of Rutherford County applied for funding from The Dogwood Health Trust with the intent of sharing those funds to support area food providers. We are pleased to announce that we received $27,800 to be shared to benefit food distribution efforts in Rutherford County. Funds will be used to help agencies that experienced increased demand due to the COVID19 pandemic. We are grateful to the Dogwood Health Trust for this opportunity to serve Rutherford County residents.
The Healthy Eating Committee of the Health Council has developed a grant application process for organizations to use to apply. Although all Rutherford County food providers will be considered, we are especially seeking applications from food distribution organizations that might not otherwise be eligible for funding. Organizations who apply are not required to be 501 c 3 organization since the funding was made to the Health Council, already an eligible non-profit organization. Funds may be requested for food itself, or for any element that increases the capacity to provide food more efficiently, such as equipment, transportation, utilities, or outreach efforts.
Please find an application at the Health Council website at or email to receive an application.
Completed applications will be due by January 22, 2021. Instructions to apply are included on the application itself.
Thermal Belt Rail Trail
Grand Opening Celebration
Saturday, October 19, 2019
10am – 3pm
Thermal Belt Rail Trail – Grand Opening from Dustin’s Way Collective on Vimeo.