Free Drive-Through Vaccine Event
Press Release
September 23, 2021
Contact: Jill W. Miracle
Rutherford County vaccination rates are extremely low in comparison the rest of the state. Our death rate by population is currently the highest in the state. Our area health care facilities and EMS are working at near-capacity levels and local families are suffering devasting losses. Those are alarming facts.
In response, the Community Health Council of Rutherford County has joined forces with the Town of Rutherfordton to present a free, county-wide drive-through vaccine event on October 8 from 2:00 – 6:00 PM and again on October 9 from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM. The FEMA vaccination team will be administering the vaccines at the Rutherfordton Public Works Facility at 230 N. Cleghorn Street.
Participants will be able to stay in their vehicles and choose the vaccine brand that they prefer. The FEMA team offers Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson vaccines to all approved age groups. Booster shots will be available if they are approved for distribution by these dates. Please bring your shot record with you if you are requesting a booster.
The return visit for follow-up shots and boosters will be on October 29 and 30 at the same times and location. First-time vaccinations will be given at that time as well, with a plan for the second shots. But don’t wait. Those few days might save a life. If you need a free ride either Friday, please call Rutherford County Transit at 828-287-6339 at least one day in advance.
Funding was provided in part by a grant from The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina.
Vaccines are a proven way to reduce the spread of the virus and to reduce the immediate and long-term effects of those who do get the virus.
For information about this Rutherford County drive-through event, please call Jill Miracle, the executive director of the Health Council, at 828-202-4630. Also, follow the Community Health Council of Rutherford County on FaceBook for follow-up announcements.